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Friday, December 23, 2011

Libya SOS
Folks on Earth, all of you are going now for celebrations according to your cultures. I wish everybody health, wealth and happiness. May this be your and all people and animals gift.  And gift of course for the whole Planet and all beings here.

As far as those adults under us know, they are themselves the Christmas Men, who are bringing the children the gifts. They must realize what is going on and that they have to act, in order to bring the children health, wealth and happiness.

Please people, do not give your children poison and bombs because you are dreaming and not realizing the danger, which is surrounding all of us like a spydernet. I know the plans, which are on their process are frightening, but this does not disappear just because you put your head under the bedshield. You now have to act, 

especially US and EU Citizens. 

Do you get me? You have to act. The enemy for all mankind is sitting in the middle of the  Umited States and European States. They wish to trigger masshysterica and massmurder by all means and to disweapon, imprison and kill much of their own people. They wonna corrupt as much of their people in order to kill other people on Earth. They wonna bring much of them to be soldiers, take drugs and kill people just like in Afghanistan, Irak, Libya and Syria as if their brothers and sisters in Arab and African countries would not be humans but insects; they let them kill children, women and men without any grace: they behead people with knifes, they cut out peoples hearts and all of such killings ... You must face how they try to turn your soldiers into such killermachines which shall disgrace humanity. They wonna turn you people into either dead people or non-human-beings who can kill people like flies (what I do not support as well) before they get killed by themselves.

Mister Chavez, Mister Gaddafi (dead or alive, he is still the leader of Libyeans and now even more people) and Mister Putin are actually some few worldwide known national leaders, who are having the courage to speak out the thruth and to act accordingly.

You must know, that good leaders do not just die but are in danger to get killed as soon as they do not obey the Satanic Group beyond the Scenes. This can only happen because you do not support your loved leaders but go along with ashwholes, so to speak. You have to support those leaders, who love people but not those, who are lying you again and again and again, who are hypnotizing you with slogans, while your lives getting worse and worser.

You must question yourself, why you do not love your own leaders but even discredit folks who obviously do love their leaders (I gave you the video of the grief which occurs in North Korea after their leader got killed in a former post.) You cannot effort any longer to be such foolish that something very unnatural shall be normal, but the very natural thing of loving and loved leaders shall be demon? Such idea is madness, you are mind controlled if you believe such bullshit. You are not only mind controlled but the foundation of environments which get led by the worsest not the loving persons. As long as you cannot accept and intend to be led by love who do you expect to lead you?

It must doubt you, when all the while the loved leaders either political or cultural leaders such like Martin Luther King, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh or Lucky Dube and so many more get suddenly killed. It is not natural, if folks do not love but hate their leaders.  So you must doubt how comes, if you are under the control of leaders you people do not love nor trust. If things are like that, it is the reflection of a slaved folk but never the reflection of a free folk. If a press like US Media but also most EU Media again and again discredit other folks leader you must wake up. Those, who you do not love, put their fingers on others and what they would do? You have no chance to proof this unless you go for deep researches or travel into discredited countries. Anybody can tell you stories as long as he is talking out of the TV Box. Can' t you understand this? However, it is anyway not your business to clean other folks houses. Did you ever clean your neighbours house, so how comes you move such far to even clean many people`s houses? Clean your own one from leaders who are leading you into disaster and death. Clean your mind about any needs to be led by bad leaders instead of loving leaders.

Why you people in US and EU feel busy about China and Russia and the rest of the world? They have no interest in the spoiled EU-America. They are okay in their countries. It is under the flag of US that folks all over the Earth are brought into troubles and death and now they force EU to do that with them as their allies and mothership,where they come from. And EU Citizens have to listen now as well: do not sleep. You are not in right but unrightfully not caring what your governments are doing against other folks and nations. You do not have that right to sleep and to carry on with your arrogance to be the centre of the Earth.

God, Jahve, Allah, the Source served all of us with brain; that brain can copy what it gets to eat but this brain can also think for its own. We must use our brain now in the second style. Mister Chavez got often demonized by US Media but see how openly he can speak with his people. This has reasons. He is among those leaders, who gets loved by his people and loves his people. Please realize this very important difference.Wouldn`it be nice if this would get the same in your countries, where ever you live?

As soon as you realize and do not deny any longer how dark things got accumulated you will probably feel very much helpless and hopeless, on the other hand you might think you should do something but cannot because you are so very much in the programm of fears. It is that very source, which only can enable the dark bullshit to happen.

So the best thing you can do is to get aware of your fears, get aware of your shame about the fears, get aware about your guilt due to your fears and all you did because of the fear-corruption but just look on it and then do something.

I link you here to a mediation to start the process to get rid of these fears. This is what you can do right now. The next meditation you can do in order of a clean aired and watered planet and the happiness this spends for the all of us, our children and futural reincarnations. That is how we should celebrate the next days of our diverse cultural celebrations. We must do it for our own, otherwise others will do the predictions but not you and your loved ones. Don`t you think it is better you start now to do predictions?

Get here the website from Inelia Benz with a lot of tools.

So and now we are going to another point of leadership. Our scientest and how they get misused and oppressed while developing and increasing knowledge and techniques which is used against people allthough knowing how to be wealthy and healthy, not for few but all people on Earth. How, tell me how folks, if you remain in your copy stage of mind and only eat what your bad leaders allow you to eat (mentally and physically), these scientest can open their knowledge, if you are not open for it and prefer to believe into limits. It is madness. Please, this is why I am doing this blog, open your mind and allow yourself to question and engage for peace, health and wealth. And if you cannot do it for yourself then just think on your children and grandchildren. Get a real Christmas Hu-Men.

Henry Deacon - Arthur Neumann - is a pseudonym, prompted by his similarity to the likeable and creative polymath on the Eureka TV show.

Please get aware that Project Camelot is not very certain in the refusal of the idea of overpopulation which of course leads to the Agenda of depopulation. So, if I bring here a research from them, I just want to let you know and inspire you to do own researcches as usual.
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