Mark of the Rats

EUGENIC Killer AGENDA 350.000 humans by all means and all ways per day. Change and follow the 10 commandments of the Hopi Indeans See them here
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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Unlock Devide and Rule Hypnosis

Everybody had heard about this rule of the Elite, unfortunately not everybody understood yet, how this is really used. Allthough it is  simple, it is not so easy to understand it by the time in action, especially if we are deep embedded in our "socialisation", what means the way we were brought up and the things in which we should believe. During this process we had been the permanent victims of mind control or hypnosis: it does not matter how you call it, it is just the same: a big hypnosis on a global level. Hypnosis is not complicated but it is powerful. It makes people to eat citrones and find them sweet. Do not believe it because they told you, that hypnosis is just foolish nonsense for foolish people? Exactly this is how it get used: you and me are the fools.

While we were brought up we did not hear very often, that we are humans and share with plenty other humans and again plenty animals this space on Earth. Why? Because "they" do not want us to identify as one human under plenty of us like this: Yippie so many other humans whith who we can play and laugh. This is not on the menue and soon you little child will get to know: This is not a planet for fun but for duties, you stupid little one. We will get you to accept this. No paradize, but hell.

Just imagine there would come some friendly ETs along and ask you to explain yourself. Would you even come on that simple idea to explain them that we are some billions of humans, who share this planet under each other and also with the animals? 

No. You would tell them to be George or Maria and a Russean, who believes in Jesus Christ. And the ET would probably ask you Who is that? and wether he is your captain and where the captain is and where the other captains are because he would like to know them. Or, you would tell them you are Musa and Egyptean and you would believe in Muhammed. And ET would ask you: Who is that, your captain?

Confused like that you as ET would now probably ask the animals in order to get  reasonable answers about humans.

"We are so and so much of animals on Earth and try to share this place with the humans but this is a bit difficult. It seems they do not like us too much allthough we used to love them. Many of us get slaughtered from them after working for them many years, they even slaughter each other.They call that war. Now they even call it war on terror."

So now again imagine yourself to explain these ETs things: We are some billions of humans and do not like the animals, only few of them, the rest we use to work for us and later we kill and eat them. Normally we also do not like one another but used to build groups and then to fall with our group over other groups. The winners can torture and kill the other group.  

Would you explain things like that to them?  

Why not, it would be very true!

From here the friendly ETs for certain understand, that this planet is a difficult area, which they better leave. They soon find out, that the animals did not lie but that the humans really really build groups alongside the following categories:

Races accordingly to their colour of skin
Religions 5 of them: Judaism, Christeanity, Islam for the west part of Earth and Hinduism and Buddhism for the East Part of Earth. Before their establishement the shamanism got ripped of, which all humans shared before as their relationship with God and living beings. Now these religious groups used to fight one another in Crusades to check out, who has got the most powerful God. They even gave the program in the Bible to Christeans, Jewish and Muslim how things will run into death before the Captain arrives again.
Nations About 200 nations and each of them labelled with a flag, hymne and constitution and this gives another one chance to kill one another: This country against that country just like the world cup.
Gender Disgrace of women and also of men in the eyes of the other gender and so they do not stand together but fight until they cannot have families any longer
Ages As soon as the genders devided each others into enemies the groupbuildings could continue. The children and youngsters, the adults, last the elders... they as well can now fight one another after certain accuses, who would have attacked whose interests.
Professions We put people in professions such like physiceans and scientest in one group, workers in another one group and so on...they can also fight one another properly.
Classes Such like the middle classes and their small elites and the rest. They also can fight one another.
MORE ...

So we got a lot of human groups, who are fighting each other since some thousands of years and feel always overwhelmed with fears: from our early days on this planet we learned that anybody out of us humans can be our enemy. 

Planning how they will kill you
But those who implemented these groups are hidden and so we even think we humans are worse, of course more the others as we still inside know, that we are not worse. We came innocent just like these friendly ETs on this globe and tried to understand things, the bad shit which is always on the menue. Unfortunately the friendly ETs left already the Horrorglobe and we cannot ask them to take us along because we propably had choosen the wrong planet to incarnate.

Question Could this work out, if we all would refuse to identify ourselves as an old(young) man or old(young) woman, as a Chinese or USer, as an Asean or Indean, but would all identify ourselves as that what we really are: humans. War between us would be very difficult then. We cannot kill our brothers and sisters, this is against our nature, not so?

But to make sure that we really really never check that nothing different exist than humans and animals and aliens (demons) and Godallah they teach us from our early days to see us either as better or more worse than others. 

We are more strong or more clever than others and so we are ready to claim more rights, also rights to rule them. Stop. Most of us think the others are more strong, more clever, more attractive .... Normal humans never think to be the choosen ones more better than others, they know it is not true nor important. But from now we think there must be somewhere those who are more ....we call them "they" and often we say: 

They do what they like to do with us.

Now we are ready. We accepted the slavery and hell on Earth. Hypnosis is finished but get freshed up daily and works at any time against any of the groups  described above. They now need only to say: the Chinese are eating dogs and so we have an human enemy, even many of them allthough we know not even one. The Chinese they might get told: USer-s eat yellow ETs and the USers think the Chinese are ETs (the Greys, really I found already a website where they are telling this shit) and the Indeans get the story: EUsers eat cows. And to mix things totally into the preparations for war, they will tell around, that the Chinese are Communists and communists do not like freedom but the USers who are Freedomists do not like to share anything ... and so we are getting mad, at least we are ready now to kill other humans who we cannot identify anylonger as what they are: Humans. The whole thing is the Agenda of Babylon.

Pretty much simple this formula of devide & conquer and it works, not so? Do not believe me? Ok then please check all the textes of the hypnomedia, wether they do not use these divisions on a daily and repeating level. In the US par example you can find now a lot of not yet clearly unlocked so called "truthers" who see in Obama not what he really is -just a corrupted ashwhole with the idea to be NERO, who forgot that Rome started to burn; but rather they see in him a communist, who would try to weaken the US people (but not the whole human race) so that Russia (what is no more communist state) and China can easily attack them. Because they want to cause war on Islam they also let people see in Obama a Muslim who would bring in Mohammed. But the story is now and with OSAMA killed. Iran and Syria are on the line to get slaughtered before the Greys and Communists shall get provocated to defend themselves and the Globe shall burn.

It is paranoia but it is that, what the Patriots (another denial of being a human) of America think. They are even so mixed up (hyped), that they think they should be patriots for their (hahaha) Nation and hunt people all over the world. But now getting hunted themselves from helicopters and CIA hypnotized and drugged riots they are scared about FEMA camps and getting flooded with Communists. Did Russia and China grew these Riots? No they did not. They had been busy to eat dogs and to sell human organs that American People can get them to be better patriots. You see now how things work? We are all parts of a big farm, which is not being dealed by normal humans. We are dealed by a hidden world wide government which is operating through and beyond Nations and with the knowledge of their governments against humanity as a specie.

As long as you do not identify yourself as a human you cannot identify others as humans and it is very easy to deceive you into bullshit of devide & conquer hypnosis tools which shall let you see in your fellow human with another skin, ID Card, Gender or Religion and even age your enemy. 

But who is interested into these separations of mankind? Those, who we call the hidden hands, who are growing in the darkness their 
terrortroops, which they corrupt either by using their greed or their poverty or their addictions on drugs and promising them this and that, if they do proper bad against humans and animals. We are seeing now worldwide the fresh offspring of such individuals, which they corrupted to terrorize, torture and kill Earthlings inside and outside of their homelands. And because we were paying them taxes they are well equipped with killerweapons and tortureweapons. The animals had not been such stupid. They did not pay taxes to get killed from that money lateron.

These people, the leaders and their corrupted offspring, are neither Communists nor Christeans nor Muslims nor any of these labels, nor anyPlease catch that properly. 

These labels are their tools, which they use to let us normal humans be against each other. These people are nothing than subjects with a huge lack of humanity, psychopaths who have fun to torture and kill humans, probably they are even non-humans or humans with too much Reptile DNS. We do not know that yet with evidence but we know that those subjects do not see any human nor animal as equal to them.

Humanity has only one chance to survive: we must identify ourselves as humans (different colours, genders, talents, situations and so on but humans) and get rid of these hidden non-human subjets which created these labels as a Matrix to blind us.  

If you are not a hypnotized person you are not able to identify yourself with a LOGO (Flag, Hymne, ID Card) just like animals cannot identify themselves as American or Russean Dogs or Horses. But you can see clearly who is in front of you: another human, a member of your family or a member of another family. 

If you get out of this hypnotized Matrix, which these psychopaths developed very clever, you will suddenly see such clearly, that you are a human and they not. You will suddenly get aware, that they were breeding us just like pigs in a farm. They know how many they have from this and that sort and when they are going to slaughter us. Some of us they breed in freeland manner so that they can use them to manage the farm because they think to be free and more better than others who they breed in tied boxes, just like farmers are doing with Chicken: class A and B. Take down your Matrix Glaces and you see how they, these non-human subjects saw you and me: as hu-animals, their property to be exploited and finally to be killed in wars or epidemics. Look back on the history and you see this again and again and again. Sometimes they went for smaller harvests and sometimes they go for the big harvest like in the Worldwars. Par example the one they caused on the native people from America and the following ones WWI and WWII. Now again and after a while of "smaller harvests" here and there they are ready again for a big harvest of humans. You will see their tools properly: War, Epidemics and Hypnosis which they use on a big level to be sure that they really hyped any human on Earth properly and get their harvest.

Unfortunately the American Humans got horrible and more than others poisoned with chemtrails, food and water and hypnotized, so that a certain amount of them got a strong part of the corrupted humans (There are others on Earth as well of course). They are working in the Police CIA FBI FEMA and so on, they are working in the medical branch and develop poisons and viruses which shall be used for the human harvest, they are working in politics, where they manipulate the laws and regulations, they are working as pilotes and in the airport branch in general where they coordinate and unfold the chemtrails and they are working in Weather Manipulation Stations. They are working in Social work where they thief children to use them to get vaccined or elseway used for medical torture  or even stolen and lost: raped and killed. We can only hope that some of these kids still live and can escape. US-Canada got a big laboraty in order of the big harvest, which they plan on all of us humans worldwide, including US and Canada. They do not need the Freedomists any longer. They did their job to manage the global farming. Now they need the drugged and brutalized cops and mercenaries until they get rid of them as well. Go on to dream you militairy guy, that they will honour you that you killed other humans. They just shoot you into your brain. They will find somebody to corrupt him for that.
I know it is terrifying the soul deeply once getting aware about all this terror. But if we do not get aware about this we will be more terryfied by the unfolded Mayham and global harvest. We will not be able to act reasonable. We have to get rid of the labels in our minds and even clothes (remember how they hypnotized all the global youth to wear clothes with logos) so that we can see the danger and get ready to free humanity. We do not need Nations, we do not need boarders, we do not need Politics as known in Parties of this and that and behind them these monsters who are laughing about the hypnosis. We are all humans and can deal our things much different, much better: working together on our survival and happiness all over the planet as a natural process of non-hypnotized human beings. On the basis of: Yippieh we are so many with who we can play and laugh. If you still cannot get beyond your Christeanity or Islam or whatever take the good things out there:

           You shall be like the Childrens                (innocent but no fools). 

Finally we need to understand the whole Agenda of depopulation and slavery of the surviving humans. We need to unite against these hidden Killers. We neither need anybody dead nor enslaved. We wonna live happy.
Staatsverschuldung USA