Mark of the Rats

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Survival education is growing in the net. The following video is in German language but everbody can understand it just by viewing. The issue is: How to bake a bread without ordinairy abilities to cook. Very genius.

Another style for a cooker in extreme situations

The following German Source is telling us that the death Rate in US increased horrific after Fukushima. The death rate of children sank before Fukushima by 8,37 % and grew after Fukushima by 1,8 %. The death rate of adults grew about 4,4 % after Fukushima. The comparisations could be done because they had been collecting dates before they bombed our fellows in Japan. The total amount of dead people caused by Fukushima is in the US by about 14000 persons. 
The German Source links us to the English Source

That you might get things proper correct, the menue is that they do not like you, wether you are black, red, yellow, white .. wether you are Muslime or Buddhist or Christean or Atheist ... Wether you are female or male .. This all does not matter to them, they gave these devisions  to us that we might kill one another because they do not like us. Unfortunately the guy here is pretty much convinced that sovjiet is problem while sowjet is planned in Rome and London and in the Pentagon... so they also do not matter wether you preder capitalism or communism .. they do not like humans

Staatsverschuldung USA