Mark of the Rats

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Friday, December 2, 2011

They scam us down? .... Let us help us to scam themselves down.
And after this finance crisis which they caused them own, they try to trigger WWIII.

We better understand this. You can be concerned about money, of course. But survival without money is well possible but indeed we cannot survive in case we are targeted by people, who have access and will to use weapons of massdestructions.

We are targeted. So think very very deeply about all the mental plunder you got teached. There is neither a godmade Armageddon (which the christian and jewish churches need you to believe) nor is their any danger of communism, what by the way is not more worse than the wild west style of capitalism.

You must consider par example, that China could make a survival for about 1/5 of  humanity by that style and their masses live better in general than ever before. This does not mean, that I like certain policies there to oppress the people. But do I like them in the Wild West of America while and after Native Americans Genocide and its combination with another genocide, that one on African people, who they enslaved? Do I like how many people in US must sleep outside and suffer hunger? Do I like that? Do I like, what had been the case in Europe, in Germany?

We have to learn respect. We must respect, what humanity did in the past here and there.  We have to be happy about the good things we did and we have to take responsibility for the bad things we did as well. What a foolishness to call oneself a Great Nation when the rest of humans is only scaring that nation or getting fat up with them? You get me, is not such difficult to understand - another question is, wether you fed your ego till now with such non-of-sense caused by a lack of other values in yourself. We must get rid of such mental stages of superiosity because they lead us into death and destruction. And this is for sure not only a lection for US, Canadean Citizens and European Citizens but for all mankind. We must figure out a new way. The way of humanity.

So, in general we have to respect, that China is managing the survival of about 1/5 of humanity. And that is great, very great. And they are not all the while in the TV shows with another kind of horror war, which they designed.  
And that is also great. So, start to respect the people right here.

1/5 of humanity had not been in war since the second world war. And we can add a lot of other humans, only adding the people from India we can count a quarter nearly a third of humanity, who had not been in war since WWII. Probably we can say, that the majority of humans kept peace since WWII. That is great. 

So why should this be destroyed? If anything needs to be destroyed it is the idea of war. We need to put out of power any single wardesigner. This starts within ourselves by the acceptance of being a human like all others, who are living in black, red, yellow or pink skin. We should be able like all other races on the planet, who we call animals, not to attack one another. And that is, what we here talk about, not anything else:

The survival and evolution of humanity and this includes all humans who are right now on Earth and those, who will follow. It is a lie, that there would not be enough to feed and house all humans. Long time we are able to do so. Long time we would neither need to burn oil to get energy nor to fuel with Atomenergy. We have Tesla Energy and the knowledge about it. We have hemp which can feed and house the whole humanity. So what, it is the problem? Can' t we enjoy the beauty of life, the flowers, the sea, the oceans and so on. Do we really need to hang up in horrible towns, where we miss to listen to the birds, monkeys or wolves? We are not civizilized but enslaved in a way of life which leads into destruction. We are totally disconnected from our own nature, which needs to breeth. Most of us civilized do not even understand that they get chemotherapized from the skies.

Our problem is, that this never interested the majority of the few, who were living in North America and Europe. Some of the USEUs even think to be the middle of the Earth, the crown of mankind ... unfortunately now bancrott, they are moving around from Russia to China to Japan to Brasil and claiming money from them. And while they do not get it, they bomb Japan into Nuclear disaster with HAARP. It is not the first time that they gifted Japanese humans with Nuclear Bombs. And yet they are gifting Libya with all kind of killings.

Non-Human and Respectless as it had been long enough now.  So, to tell you my inner truth: if we go on with humanity furtheron by dealing with Yuan or Rubel or African Money: I am okay with that. Webster Tarpley is telling us in the video below how they plan to destruct humanity. Underlining my point of view: things shoudl shift, there must come a balance so that all humans can consolidate the conditions on Earth in their favour.

Below I give you a very interesting interview with a former Chinese President, showing the undemocratic style of US to talk to Leaders, in this case a Leader from a country which has over 1 Billion people. The journalist is absolutely impudent, really impudent. Aside this we find here some interesting things which we could also hear from Gaddafi: China is concerned by a overflow of pornography and decadent views on life. And they do not need such an influence on their poeple. In the west we got that kind of influence with the so called democratic results of losted values among our young people who as well our scary dumped down. For my part: I always respected the uprise of China concerning their economy. They rised up from a country which had been fully down by the british led flow of Opium in their country to destroy their people. 1/3 of their people had been addicted with Opium and were dying on it like flies on the roads.  When China tried to get rid of the Opium trade the British made war against China.

Interestingly the former president also addressed the Falun Gong as a cult which is seeking to bring people to believe into doomsday (Armageddon), that means the desstruction of the world whith what we are fighting now. You can see here their symbolics and might hopefully know how this is <<<<<<<<< linked up?

I guess it is time to get a much more clearer view on things. Take down your western hyped glaces to get a clearer picture from what it is going on. Nobody is asking you to get a Chinese but only to get respectfull and more wise. As far as we know China never went for any war. Remember this.

Very interesting interview with Jiang Zemin
Staatsverschuldung USA