Mark of the Rats

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Monday, January 2, 2012

I posted you the warnings from Benjamin, unfortunately he was right again and we should start to take things more seriously and help ourselves.

The following film is taking your time and is the best I ever found concerning certain spiritual practises and what I was looking for a long time. Magic and Religion and how things might connect, a lots of backgrounds.

Here is the full length of the whole video set: it takes you hours to get through it.

The given Chakra Mediation
(4 Minutes per Chakra focus enlighten and vibrate the sounds like
1. Chakra (Crown): Eh-heh-yeh
2. Chakra (Throat): Yah-ho-vah EL-o-heem
3. Chakra (Heart): Yah-ho-vah El-o-ah Va-dath
4. Chakra (Pelvis): Shah-dye Al-shye
5. Chakra (Soles of Feet): Al-Doe-Nye Ha Ah-Retz     Repeat the procedere 5 X
You  might will feel strange, imagine the inhaled energy racing in yourself and racing up and all around til the energy is flowing all around you // you might then be able to reach into objects.

While looking for getting better and better you might feel weak and unable to get up into your and your loved ones favours. Probably you should then check wether you are possessed and unwillingly occpied by demons-
Get rid of Djinns (demons)
Usually the GOD formular in you is there and if you do not resist it works itself out; but if you desired things which are not good for you or hang on bad thoughts against your challengers (always jealeous or envy and wishing to be better than them) ... you must go back to God who leads you best and out of such stress. But  it can also be that you are the victim of other people spells on you, what all bad shall happen to you. So, call on GOD is always good and can be supported by your own engagement by some stuff to bannish the Evils. Qu`ran is offering some things to do: Get rid of  Djinns
Note: I am not a Muslim and do not intend to get it. But in all of the holy scriptures on Earth there are certain things written, which are very much usefull. I am very practical: anything which helps to get better is helping to get better. So, why I should not use it? There is a lot of whisdom in the Qu`ran, par example about health, probably you find some here (arabic)  Here and Here you find a prayer in case you should be victim of a spell, unfortunately-for those of us who do not unterstand it-in Arabic. // As well it is part of the work on Freedom to know about other people`s beliefs and it is absolutely resprectless to judge their beliefs even not knowing anything about it.

Im this sense please joint those on Earth who have enough of the dark forces and their killings and torturing and exploiting of humans, repeat: we are humans alike wether black, red, yellow or white, alike wether which religion we have: we are humans.
Staatsverschuldung USA