Mark of the Rats

EUGENIC Killer AGENDA 350.000 humans by all means and all ways per day. Change and follow the 10 commandments of the Hopi Indeans See them here
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Stage of mind

If you are a follower here or in other websites and blogs you know now what it is the plan. We shall die or alternative get totally mindcontrolled and dehumanized slaves. With other words there is a war directed against the whole humanity. The killer methods are in short summary: starvation, toxication, earthquakes and war that we might kill one another. Not very exiting but also not very creative but simple as stupid, soulless and deaf as the challenge(r)s are. The first thing to know is that they have no sympathy with neither you nor me. So forget about all kind of ideas that the enemy would suddenly feel sympathy to the human race if you only beg him enough and create one million petititions. This is childish and we must act as adults, we must grow now into such stage of humanity what we can call adultery. If we -the human race- wonna win that war against us, we must study a lot: intellectual, emotional and spiritual. 
We must get out of the Matrix, so to speak, to get into the so called golden ages. We must free ourselves from the inner and outer prison in which we had been since ancient times of slavery. Wether you like it or not, there is no other way to win the war against humanity than to step out of the Matrix. If you wonna stay in the Matrix you will be lost, for sure. But you are of course free to do so. There will be many who will try to hold on their former ways of life, especially those who used to benefit most out of the supression and exploitation of humans. Those who stabilized the so called Elite of Evil. They will cry for their houses or cars or whatever even if they could only have these advantages caused by harms on and murder of other humans. Scientest, Judges, Physiceans, Banker Stuff and so on. The list of these MiddleClass Professionals is long and ends in the workerclasses who are producing and selling the toxins. While others fight already with starvation or earthquakes they fight for their middle-class benefits as before. Probably you too. Corruption of real humanity had been the way of mindcontrol which worked fine for the enemy. They brought entire countries in this system. While EU and US Citizens lived from the given benefits out of the colonialism of the so called second and third world, the inhabitants of these worlds suffered. I am very aware about this scale of corruption among the USEU-Mindset as well as disgusted. While people par example in Libya get slaughtered Citizens of USEU are sitting in Cafe Bars and enjoy their even small but given decadent lifestyle. It is even a bit funny. While they sit so in their coffeebars exchanging how wonderful they would be low level talks they get heavily chemtrailed and do not check it. Not long and they will know that they got fucked too and not only the poor people in the second and third world who they thought could be ignored. Their EGO will break down very seriously, soon. And then they will have to see that they got exchanged because they corrupted other people now, those who agreed to kill humans with direct brutal and bloody actions for some advantages unlike those Daddies and Free Ladies (after emancipation of being a woman which shall care and share sweet honey) who created in their working places bioweapons or deadly cellphones or such things. No, now they are not needed anymore such much but those who will bring the products of massdestruction to each person on Earth. They corrupted now those who think this will bring them to be respected as some kind of middleclass which they could not enter by the use of (even failed) intelligence but believe to be able to do so now only with raw brutality. Riots. Do not think they are more worse than the former middleclasses, they only operate directly, openly. They never had chances the way they grow to participate on educations to use and direct them lateron against other humans. You get me. I am brutally honest, not so? But this is the enemy who we have to study: we are not only surrounded from him but he is amongst us. How long do you think your doctor knew already that he gave you or your child toxins with vaccines and other kinds of so called medicins. May be your Daddy or Mommy did so, they had been doctors. Guilt, Ignorance,Corruption and Envy will dwell to the surface - hui, do not wonder but get aware of it. It is the real enemy which used to hide himself behind certain corners in y-our or y-our loved ones brain and heart and way to do life. Humanity is getting to fight itself while we have to unite and not to fight one another. Sounds pretty much mad, not so? But does not change things. The pyramide of terror is build up through ourselves even if the most weakett ones sit on the top. Who hold them up? With other words: as above as below.
Here you can see  an US Citizen. A man who is getting aware but cannot get through (yet) to the final question of responsibility as a human that all that bad he describes could not have been done without the bride support of US and EU Citizens because of our benefit on war and exploitation elsewhere on Earth. Anyway a good summary on what is on the menue.

This is how it works: These toxic things and genmanipulated products and so on got produced somewhere in US and EU not in Africa not in Southafrica. They got designed especially in US then also in EU and a bit in Japan and China. But it had not been seen as a problem as long as these toxins got considered to be dumped on African or Asean people, or wherever but far. It is simply not true that the people had not been aware about anything. How this should have been possible? They got their loans out of these works. They agreed into murder of humans wether they admit it or not. You get what I say? I do not wish to talk US and EU people more deeper levelled in their moral than others. I travelled too much around to know that such corruption is not special to any person of this or that Nation, Continent nor Religion nor Gender. It is the mindset I can benefit even others die because of my benefit which is ruling the entire system on Earth and which is deeply embedded in peoples mindset all over the Earth. We are the creators of that, or probably the demons or Aliens sitting behind us. But at any time we always had had a chance not to listen to this corruption but on GOD. We are beings of free choice and will. Do not put your moral fingers on the scientest. Those in the leading labors of the EUGENIC branch are all under death threat to continue what they get ordered to do. But not the people in the lower levels, why they never talked? Exactly, because they wanted to benefit out of their jobs. Things are as simple as that. The people never asked God to spend them a job which does not make them guity on other beings. That it is the reason why the enemy is sitting in ourselves and is also surrounding us. Humanity as a whole entity complied with Evil. And now we are at that level of the shit that things are on the surface, cannot be denied no longer. Every day more people will now get aware that they get poisoned or slaughtered from their fellow humans. They will stop to laugh on those who tried to wake them up but wether they will excuse themselves to them? I do not think so, they will try to jump on another mindset of EVIL. All bad comes from the outside and never from ourselves. To explain you this. When a child is challenged with a test in its school and can manage it with the best note, how this child will come home and report it? Exactly, it will say: I made it, I got the best note. So now we take the child who did not made it but got a bad note. That one comes home and reports: The teacher did not teach me well and gave me a bad note. This small example describes the level of the Entity Humanity in its actual stage of mind. We like the benefit and honor even out of Evil shown through big cars and houses and done even by compliance to murder but when it comes to the bad notice that we did bad, we won`t admit this, we refuse the responsibility on it. And that again is the foundation for fears. All the monster things we did in part or total or just by being silent whitnesses are laying in our senses and hearts and come to the surface as fears. Of course we must fear humans as we know ourselves in complicity with EVIL. How can we imagine others in a better mindset? We cannot because we have been parttime killers by ourselves in this or former lives. We know all about the corruptions we went for or accepted silently. That brings us now in the next problem. As more bad Evil we had done as more we like to project the guilt on others. Therefore we have proper working labels. Huhuhu, the bad Chinese are coming ... That is quiet funny, not so? They did not do USEU anything bad or let us say only few because their products are not so very much good. But you know, their people wanted to participate in life, a bit. They were dying like the flies because of USEU. So Mao brought them some kind of dignity. And this did not disturb any US-Canadean as long they could bubble money with them or put their dissatisfaction on them by watching demonizing TV shows about Chinese. You know what I mean. But now things change. The Bric States claim their part on Earth. Is that bad? No, it is bad that USEU including their citizens does not want to accept this as what has to be done eventhough they claim to be Christeans who would share the bread (hahahaha). Especially US-Canadeans could do a lot for the better actually if they would stop to demonize the Chinese humans. Europeans could do a lot if they would stop to demonize Muslims. The better will not come if USEU continues this mindset to wish to dominate other humans even if the people from other nations die under this. That is so clear on the surface than never before.  As humanity we have to change from the EVIL mind either you or us to the principles of real humanity: together we are well. That it is the WIN WIN mind and is the level we must achieve on the entire Earth population of humans. We must find our dignity and that one cannot stand on exploitation and murdering. It can simply not stand on such mind. You can argue this and that but it will not change the laws of God. Look around you or remember: did you ever ever ever see a rose exploiting a cucumber? Did you ever see a cucumber getting jealeous on a rose? What kind of bullshit you are following. Do you really believe that the many pigs you ate, may be a whole one in one week, do not remain in you as death cult. Did you benefit from horrific torturing slaughter of animals like they wonna let us slaughter now one another? From where do you want to claim the sympathy you never had had for other beings? The Natives of America used to thank the buffalos who spend their lifes to them. They did not torture them and they did never waste even a bone from that killed buffalo. And they usually ate plants which are designed as human food not animals. You get me. Think about it. The way you eat makes you. Drinking blood makes aggressive. This is the reason why they give dogs fresh blood when they want them to be aggressive. You do not even know this, I guess. The entire world is eating blood and flesh like crazy and is wondering that there will be a problem with food. You can do a lot to destabilize this kind of war by eating raw or cooked plants what means getting vegetarean. Do not look for argues this and that how this would be bad. There where they eat the most flesh are the most sickest people: in USEU. That is a fact. People in Africa are not dying such early because of chemical destroyed food but because of getting bombed and intended designed unnatural deserts and because of being out of access to anything as USEU is exploiting their land. They hold the highest mortality rate because of their many children which die early (either by starvation, thirst or by vaccines, killed from USEU people who are giving them the vaccines and even have the impudence to call that aid for developement) USEUS are also the most aggressive people because they do the wars on Earth. And they are also the most depressive people because death is lying in any corner of their body, death of beings they ate for what they did not even thank. They are used to complaint even about a little bit of discomfort when a train should come a minute or two too late. They are those who permanently need pills to get rid of the certain pains in their body. You see: no dealer without customer. This whole industry of death cult is blowing up now. Why is it that many people cannot realize to get sprayed with toxins? Because they used to eat chemicals within any slaughtered animal since a long time, some  since their early childhood. Vegetareans have no problems to realize the chemicals surrounding them but the Flesh-Eaters have these problems. They are already hardly dehumanized. My first time in US on my way to Jamaica I had to do a night in a hotel. I was totally shocked. In a room for a Single there had been 2 beds and both of them such bride that 3 people and a dog could have slept therein. The breakfast only included an amount of food what I cannot handle within a whole week and was filled with bad eggs and flesh. Poison, pure poison or how I call it: death cult. The same thing in UK. If you wonna survive overthere you need to find a Chinese food shop or you die under the death cult food from the British. In Jamaika after only a week in the bushes and released from the death cult you feel strong and happy and not in any need to dominate another person or animal. You enjoy talking with the frogs or other animals or humans. No need for a TV, the nature is the TV and was given for free from God. But humans claimed the nature as their property which they shall not share with anyone different from their clan. Lateron they wonder that they are scared from people, who could rob them their property. Hui, who had been the thieves? Land is not for sale. You get me. USEU is seriously over-civilized do not mix that up with overpopulated, strange poisoned by their own idea to have more and more (control) rather than being more and more better and in harmony with Nature. Not even a single gras they can leave alive and now they wonder that this comes to a stage that they forbid natural food. Of course it must come to such stage, natural food will get gold because mankind made that shit not God, who gave nature free for everybody. They build up a black market for natural food. In that way they could make a lot of money to sell hemp and to sell alcohol. Now they want to sell frehs air and natural food. But we made that to grow to such level. As above so it is below. How can a human be such impudent to sell water? You get what I say. The basics of life to be sold? We really have to think that very much through. The same with the riots who are now moving around everywhere. How did that start? Yes, remember well who exactly planted the roots of that. You and you and me: we found it a proper idea to control one another. We debated what people have to think and how they have to look like or not to look like, yes how they have to do their lives. That it is the common argue to make war in Arab countries. USEU is telling them how to do, in fact they do not tell them anything but the USEU Citizens who like to hear such bullshit that they can bring others dictatorship how to live. They find their legitimations for war on others by using this mindset of USEU people to tell other how to do. Don`t you see this in your environment? When one person had trust to look different ... he could make a race out of it how long he will need to have left the room until the left people would talk like the snakes bad on him or her. I think not even a second. You get me: you cannot talk about freedom but do not wish to provide such freedom to others. We the people in USEU invited the riot industry to come to the surface. Such industry would not have had any basics if ordinairy people would not have created them. Any little thing neighbours did not in their mind they called the police or securities. Soon they will even create passports or such things for dogs and cats. USEUs are dehumanized due to their idea of possess and control. This is all connected to the way we eat. If we do not feel satisfied we feel dissatisfied and then things come to the point of: the enemy must be somewhere outside of mine. Eating has two dimensions. That what we eat for food to satisfy our body and that what we eat in our mind: our thoughts. So, if you fit yourself with poison mentally or by the food you eat, do not wonder too much about the outcome. So please do not talk about freedom if you cannot even able to let your neighbour sing when he is in the mood for that. 
The following video is showing these things as well. Please note, I am not a HARE KRISHNA follower, you should know in the meantime that I do not follow religious systems but God, so far I do not forget him again. This usually works like this: Crisis? God where are you? Crisis finished by the help of God and I suffer Alzheimer on God, not too long:next crisis arrives. Seems that God cannot have me suffering under Alzheimer. So, now Hare Krishna. These people brought me out finally from eating flesh and I never ever regret that. It is now 10 years ago. How that happened? I had not been in a good condition but crisis, what meant God remembering time. So I prayed. And then I went in town (Cologne in Germany) and these funny Hare Krishna People came along shanting and so. So they offered me their books and I bought one. I forget everything what was written because I only needed one sentance: Jesus did not say you shall not kill humans. Bingo. The answer of my God through these people and I followed straight since that very day. And my crisis turnt into the better. So when people are in the truth they are in the truth. Some years ago you would not have believed even a single word about Illuminates, but now you might already be able to see the growing cannibalism. Organ harvesting, thieving human stem cells and even embryo flesh can be bought. I do not tell you where because I do not want you to feel comfortable in your demonizing of this or that group of humans. We are all from that race and in a very serious crisis.

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